Monthly Mindset, July 2021: Patience
Before going further, I’d encourage you to read this past article I wrote on patience. Fitting that I’d mention how long I’ve been writing about this and then end up securing the principle as a Monthly Mindset three months later.
One of my biggest fears is missing out on an opportunity due to indecision. Could be a new role, person, situation; the list goes on. At the same time, that fear is matched with the thought of that opportunity not materializing whatsoever. It’s a dangerous game I play trying to remain balanced. How do I stay in the middle?
When the dial drifts, I come back to center by exercising patience and not comparing myself to others. All our journeys aren’t the same. My time is relative to yours. If you track someone’s progress and feel inadequate, think of your specific circumstances and goals. Timing is everything, and in life, you’re usually not on the receiving end. With this belief, I don’t view patience as a waiting game, but rather a state of constant preparation. I stay ready for when the opportunity arises. Through this preparation, I’m confident I’ll not only identify the right moment, but also be ready to shoot my shot when the time comes.
Take this example. The job market is booming, so let’s say you’re on the prowl for a new gig. We’ll look at this from two different perspectives.
If you’ve positioned yourself to succeed, chances are you’ll get interviews & offers. You’ve got experience, charisma, and the right attitude. However, how do you know what the right situation is? Are you looking for something different as a way of engaging your mind in new & interesting ways? Or are you instead seeking an escape from your current gig? Maybe you’re chasing the bag and that’ll cut it. Think about it deeper.
If a new job is purely the getaway car from your current situation, do you fear that jumping ship too early will wind you up in the same place a year (or less) later?
Are you comparing and contrasting job descriptions? Asking the right questions about roles & responsibilities?
How much of your search is based on money, fulfilment, and engagement?
You’re on the hunt, but nothing seems to click. You’re not getting the calls, emails, or interviews you’d like – if at all.
What’s your process? Could you tweak or improve things to be more efficient & effective?
Have you leveraged your personal network?
Are you absolutely positive you know what you’re looking for?
BURNING questions. On one end, you’re unsure of what opportunity to select. On the other, you’re not seeing success whatsoever and are becoming nervous about that situation appearing at all. Differing scenarios, but one thing remains clear: without patience, you’ll fuck yourself over.
The person deliberating multiple opportunities is faced with a choice: to make a move now or wait. If you wait too long, you’ll miss out. If you take a job you aren’t sure of, you run the risk of locking yourself into something you don’t want. The person not finding success fears the moment may not come regardless of effort, and they often hesitate to change their methodology with the belief the right person has not viewed their application or heard their story.
The commonality between these two fictitious go-getters is the ability to leverage patience in a strategic way. There’s always big game to hunt, even when it seems there’s a drought. It takes a true pro to identify the best buck, monitor their movement, track progress, and then take the perfect shot.
Both situations demand a war of attrition. It’s almost always a numbers game and a willingness to be relentless. It’s the pockets of time where nothing clicks that you must be diligent. That preparation is critical, because inevitably, your time will come. When it does, will you be ready?
You can’t rush sustainability and advancement. Prepare for the moment with integrity, focus, and strategy. Believe me, I’m waiting on a few milestones to hit, but in the meantime, I’ll keep grinding.